Workers Compensation Insurance

Are You Covered?

Workers compensation insurance provides financial reimbursement to employers for payments associated with an employee’s successful workers compensation claim. This can include wages, as well as additional costs associated with rehabilitation, treatment and medical expenses.

At All Trades Cover, we offer workers compensation insurance that’s specifically for trades businesses. Speak to our friendly team for a workers compensation insurance quote.

Compulsory for all business

Compulsory for All Businesses

Workers compensation insurance is compulsory in every state and territory in Australia if you’re an employer with employees. The state and territory governments regulates their own workers compensation schemes and they’re administered differently depending on where you live.

If you live in Western Australia, Northern Territory, Tasmania or the ACT, workers compensation is handled privately through an insurer. In NSW, South Australia and Victoria, insurers act on behalf of the government authority. Finally, in Queensland the scheme is operated solely by the government.

Speak to All Trades Cover today to find out more about workers compensation insurance in Australia and how it applies to your business.

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It only takes a few minutes. Get a quote from our friendly team at All Trades Cover today. We offer affordable insurance solutions for over 100 different trades.

In the event of a work-related injury, your insurance policy provides coverage of:

  • Statutory workers’ compensation entitlements due to an injured worker; and
  • Legal costs, court fees and damages in the event that a common law claim is brought against you by an injured worker Your insurer will also be able to assist you in the management and administration of claims by:
    • Advising you on correct claims procedures
    • Estimating the cost of claims
  • Participating in the injury management process at your request, including facilitating communication between the treating medical practitioner and yourself
  • Assisting with return to work programs and identification of claims which may require workplace rehabilitation; and
  • Representing you through the conciliation and arbitration process when disputes occur.

The employer’s responsibility includes:

  • Ensure workers receive adequate information, direction and training in the work that the worker is required to perform.
  • Enable the worker to perform the work without risk to the health and safety of the worker, or any other person.
  • Ensure that workplace infrastructure or equipment, and workplace materials are maintained in a safe condition.
  • Ensure the safe handling, packaging, storage and transport of chemicals such as dangerous goods and other harmful materials.
  • Providing adequate facilities that can be accessed by your workers while at work (such as clean and hygienic toilets and eating areas).

As in each state, there are obligations for the employer to retrain and assist an injured worker back into the workforce.

The rates in Western Australia are set by Work Cover as a recommended rate for each occupation class. At All Trades Cover, we have negotiated a set of discounts for trades that are amongst the best in the state.

In Western Australia, you can purchase Workers Compensation Insurance from a number of approved insurers. Western Australia is governed by the Workers Compensation and Injury Management Act (1981) which states you must provide workers’ compensation for anyone defines as a ‘worker’ under the legislation which you employ, including cover for claims at common law.

Under WA’s ‘no-fault’ workers compensation system, employers are liable to pay statutory compensation costs for an injured worker regardless of who was at fault.

In New South Wales the workers’ compensation is arranged through several approved insurers including QBE, Allianz, CGU and GIO. All NSW employers must have a workers’ compensation policy if they pay more than $7500 in wages per annum, employ an apprentice or trainee.

Workers’ compensation provides protection to workers and their employers in the event of a work-related injury or disease. Through the worker’s compensation system, injured workers may have an entitlement to weekly payments, lump sums for permanent impairment, payment of medical bills and intensive rehabilitation assistance.

As there can be changes that occur on a regular basis we always recommend that you check with work cover for more details.

In the Northern Territory, All Trades Cover can assist you with the placement of your workers’ compensation Insurance. The system in NT is somewhat different to other states (some would argue more straight forward and simpler to understand).

Employers in the Northern Territory only have to arrange a workers compensation policy if they employ a person who provides work or service for the employer. Should the worker supply an Australian Business Number (ABN) in writing to the employer then there is no workers compensation policy required for this person. For more information visit the NT WorkSafe website.

Employers hire workers in what is called a ‘contract of service’. This means that workers are taken on in writing or verbally to work full time, part-time or on a casual basis. The ‘contract of service’ is an agreement between employer and workers to perform tasks over a set time agreed by the two parties.

A worker can work all day, every day or just a few days here and there, they are still classed as an employee under a ‘contract of service’. This also means a worker can be employed to do a number of roles from managerial positions to casual positions.

And how does this relate to ‘contract of service’ and workers compensation? Well, a worker who is employed under a ‘contract of service’, and has been working for a single employer over a period of time is a worker for the purpose of workers compensation. This means they are eligible for workers compensation should they need it.

Employer Guidelines

It is really important for employers to follow strict guidelines to be compliant when claiming workers compensation.

Employers must:

  • Have a current policy covering workers compensation in ACT and display this with information pertaining to the insurer.
  • Be compliant with the insurer’s program
  • Give all employees access to a document to register their injuries.
  • Be able to provide details of wage reports, and information about the injury to the insurer.
  • Create a Return to Work Program that has been created by employer and employees outlining rehabilitation providers.

If you are a business that employs workers full time, part-time or on any other basis, you are required to register as an employer with WorkCover South Australia. The South Australia Workers Compensation Scheme is funded by each registered member paying a contribution or a levy each year. Once registered your business will be protected against claims for injuries in the workplace.

Work Cover South Australia, oversees all of the premium Collection, service delivery, and manage the financials of the scheme under the ext

WorkCover holds the financial liability for all claims made by workers employed by registered employers.

To register your company with Work Cover South Australia click on the link below and it will take you straight to their website where further information or a policy can be purchased.

All Trades Cover can not assist with the placement of your Workers’ Compensation Insurance in Victoria. However, we have some helpful advice below on if you require the cover and also where you can get the cover.

In Victoria Workers’ Compensation Insurance is also known as Workplace Injury Insurance. Should you employ anyone in the state of Victoria then you must abide by the rules which are listed below:

  • Take out WorkSafe injury insurance with a WorkSafe Agent of your choice, which can include Allianz, CGU and QBE Insurance (you may not have to obtain cover should your annual payroll is to be less than $7500).
  • However, should you employ apprentices or trainees, then the $7500 or below limit does not apply. You must have a WorkSafe policy irrespective of your annual payroll.
  • In the event that your business changes (i.e. a change in staff number or in the type of work your doing) then you must notify your insurer as there may be changes to your classification that apply.
  • Changes to your business name or the address of your business must also be notified to your insurer.
  • Each year you must revise and check your annual estimated wages (and, if you have any claims, your claims statement). This should be done before the renewal of your insurance policy every year. The insurer will always send a declaration for you to complete.
  • In regards to changes in the wage role throughout the year, you must notify the insurer should there be an increase of more than 20% on your original wages estimation.
  • Before the renewal each year you must ensure that you have confirmed the wages paid for the previous policy period.
  • Most importantly pay the premium by the due date!

For more information, you can visit the governments WorkSafe site.

All Trades Cover can not arrange Workers Compensation Insurance in Queensland. It is run by the local government through WorkCover.

Any business in Queensland that employs workers is required to take cover for these workers through WorkCover Queensland and you it is not an option to self insure by paying any of your own claim costs in Queensland.

Regardless of how many people you employ or even if it’s only a short term employee there is no minimum wage before you must take cover in Queensland. Should your employee meet the definition of a worker, then within 5 days you MUST take cover for the employee through WorkCover and penalties may apply if you do not meet these obligations.

It is possible to take the cover before you employ anyone, just as long as you have all the required information in order to do so.

The accident insurance policy provided by WorkCover Queensland insures you against all statutory and damages claim costs in the event of a work-related injury to your workers. There is no limitations or restrictions on the amounts you can claim on this policy.

Should you wish to find out more information on the cover or should you wish to take out cover immediately then the link below will take you straight to the WorkCover Queensland Website.

Workers Compensation cover is required in Tasmania with the exception of those who have written to the WorkCover Tasmania Board and been granted a permit to self insure.

All Trades Cover can assist with the placement of your Workers Compensation policy in Tasmania. Cover is quick and easy and can be obtained by clicking below.

Should you wish to find out more information on the requirements of you as an employer then click on the more info tab to go to the Workplace Standards Website.

Workers fulling up a wheelbarrow full of concrete.

Employers and Workers Compensation Claims

There are a few things employers need to do when it comes to making a workers compensation claim. There are forms that need to be filled out within 48 hours of being notified of the injury. These forms must be easily accessible to employees and filled out correctly to claim.

The employer also needs to record the injury in the Register of Injuries as well as the date and time of injury in a Notice of Injury.

48 Notice Period

It is very important that the employer gives notice of the injury within 48 hours otherwise they could be liable for full compensation costs from the time the employee notifies them to the time the insurer is notified. This money cannot be claimed back on insurance either.
There are a number of steps that need to be taken by employers when it comes to workers compensation claims:

  • Notify the insurance company within 48 hours of the worker advising of the injury
  • This claim then needs to be documented and sent to the insurer within 7 days
  • Now the paperwork is done, the employer needs to assist in creating a Personal Injury Plan with the insurer and run on the job rehabilitation
  • It is also vital that payments are made on time and in full to the injured employee
  • Depending on the injury to the employee, other work arrangements may need to be made if they want to continue to work within six months.

Financial Stability When You Need It Most

Workers compensation insurance is compulsory for a reason – it gives peace mind to both employees and employers. Having workers compensation insurance in place means that employers can be confident that they won’t need to shoulder the financial burden following a successful claim and employees can be confident that they’ll continue to receive the payments that they’re entitled to. With workers compensation insurance, your employer will have the financial support to get back to work sooner.

If you’re not sure whether workers compensation insurance is necessary for your business, contact All Trades Cover for some expert guidance.

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Workers compensation insurance is a form of insurance that employers purchase to protect themselves in case an employee is hurt or becomes ill while at work. Workers compensation provides financial reimbursement for such things as medical expenses, rehabilitation and lost wages.

At All Trades Cover, we offer workers compensation insurance along with our range of trade insurance policies. Contact us today to get a quote.

Get Your Online Public Liability Insurance Quote Instantly

This is one of the most common types of insurance that small businesses choose to take out. Essentially, this provides protection if someone makes a claim against the insured, the business, or its employees. These claims can be for personal injury or damage caused to a third party's property caused by your business activity.

We offer public liability insurance for sole traders with affordable, comprehensive coverage. To get your instant online quote, simply fill out the details on the form.

All Trades Cover Tradies Insurance

What Is Public Liability Insurance?

Due to the hazardous nature of some worksites, there are plenty of things that can go wrong. Thankfully, public liability insurance can cover some of these risks at a very affordable cost, and can protect a tradesman from some of the largest financial losses they can experience.

This type of insurance was designed to protect business owners from the financial risks of causing property damage or personal injury to other people in the day to day operation of their businesses. It doesn’t cover injuries to you (that’s personal accident and illness insurance) or your employees (that’s workers’ comp).

When your business activities causes property damage or personal injury to another person, you will generally be liable for any resulting financial costs. This can range anywhere from a few hundred dollars for a minor claim through to millions of dollars in extreme cases.

Rather than having to pay this money out of your own pocket and risking both your business and personal assets, you can get public liability cover. The insurance company will then take care of the financial payout - provided that the claim is within the policy limits.

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With affordable insurance solutions for over 100 trades, our team will be sure to find the right options for you. Get your instant quote today.

What Does Public Liability Insurance Cover?

What Is Covered?

What is typically included?

  • Compensation costs for personal injury suffered by a third party (e.g. a customer, supplier or member of the public)
  • Compensation for damage to property owned by a third party due to your negligent business activities
  • The legal and defence costs associated with a covered claim
  • Compensation for damage of third-party goods not owned by you that are in your care, custody, or control
  • Coverage of either $5 million, $10 million, or $20 million
  • Many public liability policies also provide cover for product liability

What Isn't Covered?

What is typically not covered?

  • Injuries to your employees
  • Damage to your own property
  • Costs of rectifying faulty workmanship or product recall
  • Professional negligence
  • Events occurring before or after the policy period
  • Aircraft products
  • Asbestos
  • Liquidated damages
  • Punitive damages where the insured party acted so badly that extra damages were awarded
  • Liabilities assumed under contract that the insured would not be liable for at common law
Personal Accident and Illness Insurance

What Affects Your Public Liability Insurance Premium?

When deciding how much cover you should have, think about factors like:

  • Do any of your contracts require a minimum level of public liability cover?
  • Has your industry body set a minimum level of public liability cover for membership?
  • Does your business or trade license require a minimum amount of public liability cover?
  • What kind of accidents could occur due to your business operations and what could be the potential cost of a claim?

Do I Need Public Liability Insurance?

For some tradies it can be mandatory, while for others it is simply a way of protecting themselves, their business, and their assets.

Public liability insurance is important for all tradesmen who are self-employed or those who are working as either subcontractors or contractors. Basically, if you’re not under a direct employee-employer relationship, then you have a risk exposure which the right liability policy can cover.

As a self-employed tradie or subcontractor, you are responsible for your own actions onsite. If you cause property damage or personal injury to another person, you will be liable for financial damages, legal defence costs, and other charges. In fact, your workmanship could cause grief long after you’ve finished the job, or even after you’ve retired.

Many worksites operated by building and construction companies won’t let you on site without a Certificate of Currency (sometimes called a Certificate of Insurance). Generally, they have mandatory public liability requirements for all subcontractors working on a site.

Some states and trades require public liability insurance due to licensing requirements. Examples include electricians in Queensland and Tasmania, as well as plumbers in Victoria. You will be unable to apply for or renew a contractors licence without proof the correct cover is in place.

Even if public liability cover is not mandatory for your situation, it is still a very effective way of protecting yourself, your business, and your assets if you are a self-employed tradesman.

For more information, read our blog on the topic.

How Much Is Public Liability Insurance?

The cost of public liability insurance for tradies is generally very affordable and can as low as $30 a month. However, the price can vary depending on your business type, location, and size.

The biggest factors affecting premiums for tradesmen are the type of trade and the size of the business in terms of revenue or employees. Additionally, if you work in any hazardous locations such as mine sites, high-rise buildings, subsea, offshore, or airports, the premium may also be affected.

As with most types of insurance, the public liability insurance cost will be determined by the potential risk that you pose. If your business activities are considered higher risk, you will be charged a higher premium. Equally, if you are considered lower risk, you will pay a lower premium.

For a rough estimate of how much your public liability cover will cost, you can use our instant quote form at the top of the page.

When taking out insurance, it is important to get cover tailored to the trade you will be performing and follow your duty of disclosure. If you perform a task outside of what you specified, the insurer might not cover you in the event of a claim. If you want to check what your policy covers, get in touch with one of our expert insurance brokers today.

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Award Winning Trade Insurance Business

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How to Get Public Liability Insurance

With our online quoting system and coverage for over 100 trades, organising your cover can be as simple as:

  • Entering your details into the form at the top of the page to generate your online public liability insurance quote
  • Giving us a call to speak directly to our trade insurance team.

So, what are you waiting for? Protect yourself and your employees today.

You Are in Good Company

Trusted by Tradies All Over Australia.

Just want to quickly say that Haylee from the WA office is absolutely amazing! When the VBA stopped us at every turn trying to renew my partner’s licence Haylee went above and beyond with stay back late to countless back and forth emailing until the VBA were satisfied. Props to you Haylee, you don’t get customer service like that anymore!


Cool Watts

Other Types of Insurance Cover


Your time is precious. That is why we make it easy as possible to get your quote. Simply click here and complete the form to receive an online public liability insurance quote instantly.

Your business can be protected for up to $20,000,000. To find the right amount of coverage for you, we advise getting in touch with one of our expert insurance brokers.

As a sole trader, public liability is a popular choice of cover and provides a safe environment for third parties when they interact with you as a small business owner. For guidance as to whether this type of cover is right for your situation, click here.

No. Public liability cover was designed to protect business owners from the financial risks resulting from causing damage to property or personal injury to other people in the day-to-day operation of their business.

While each policy is a little different, there are several standard elements you will find in most business packs. Business insurance is an insurance package designed to provide cover for your business contents, stock, tools, and commercial premises when an insured event occurs such as a fire, a storm, theft or even accidental damage. A business insurance package can also cover your portable equipment and glass, as well as loss of revenue due to business interruption in specified circumstances. It also offers the option of selecting public liability cover - however, that is not automatically included.

Other Types of Insurance Cover


All Trades Cover take a number of factors into consideration when calculating Workers Compensation Insurance premiums, including:

  • Amount of wages paid by the business
  • Industry type
  • Number of employees
  • Cost of previous workers compensation claims associated with the business
  • The frequency of claims

As an employer, you have a number of workers compensation responsibilities, including carrying current insurance and posting details of the coverage at your workplace.

At All Trades Cover we provide several options for paying your Workers Compensation premiums, including online with your credit/debit card, BPAY, general mail, or by phone.

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